If you spot an error on your Experian credit report, here are the steps to follow for sending a dispute letter:
Send a letter to Experian's dispute department.
In order to avoid possibly having your letter overlooked, you should send a letter to the Experian dispute department. You can find this address on the company's website or on your credit report. It should read:
Experian PO BOX 9701 Allen, TX 75013
or you can send to their other address:
Experian PO BOX 4500 Allen, TX 75013
Explain the reason for your dispute in the body of the letter.
When you write your dispute letter, be sure to explain the error in detail. Be sure to include all relevant details. Keep it short and to the point. Tell Experian why this error affects you and what steps you’ve taken to fix it so far (if applicable). If there are any errors on your credit report that can be easily corrected by adding a notation or removing an item from the report, make sure to ask them for these changes as well. Include any supporting documentation such as letters from collection agencies or other companies that have impacted your credit score negatively but don't belong there anymore. If you find this to be too hard of a process, don't hesitate to schedule a call with an expert in this field ---> schedule
Disputing an error can be hard, schedule a consult with New Beginnings and get your credit fixed
If you're still not sure how to dispute an error with Experian, schedule a consult with New Beginnings Credit Solutions. We'll be happy to help you figure out what needs to be done and help you get your credit fixed.
How long will it take for my dispute to go through?
After you send the letter, how long will it take to go through their department? It can take several days, or even weeks, for your dispute to be reviewed by Experian. Once your letter has been received and processed, you should get a response within 30 days. If you don't receive a response within 30 days, call 1-888-397-3742 and ask about the status of your dispute. If you've already disputed the error with Experian and nothing has happened, you can schedule a consult with New Beginnings Credit Solutions. We'll be happy to help you figure out what needs to be done and help you get your credit fixed.
You can see that it isn't so easy to send a dispute letter to Experian. You need to know what information will be needed from you and how long it will take for Experian to investigate your claim. The best way for this process to go smoothly is by having an experienced credit repair specialist who knows how these types of disputes work. Schedule a consult with New Beginnings today!